Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Potty Training Chronicles

I'm calling this the potty training chronicles because I fear there will be many many installations.  Many.  

First of all, let me just say, I know Sydney is barely two.  Lay off on the potty training, right?  Don't push her, right?

I know.  I'm with you.  I wish she would wait.

But for the past couple of weeks she has been driving us mad wanting to go to the potty.  Let me lay out the average daily scenario for you.

I pick her up from daycare.  She comes in the house, yells POTTY, runs to the bathroom, takes off all her clothes (all) and sits on the potty.  Great you say?  What a smart girl?  Not quite.  She sits there for 3.25 seconds, steps down, runs around like a maniac while I chase her with a diaper, yells POTTY again and goes back to sit on the potty.  This cycle repeats itself.  Ad nauseam.  Finally she'll let me put the diaper on - and then minutes later she pees and declares she needs to go POTTY (caps are absolutely necessary here because she always screams it).  And we start all over.  Ad nauseam.  Again.

Beyond frustrating.

This past week the maddening cycle has also crept into our morning schedule, the moment her eyes pop open.  

So today I decided I was just going to let her go.  Let her run naked as long as she wanted (and hopefully until she actually went potty).  No more chasing her down.  Clearly my structured ways are not working so I'll just let it be.

Miraculously she didn't even mention the POTTY until about 30 minutes before bedtime.  So there she went.  Stripped herself down, sat for 2.75 seconds, got up, ran around, went back to the potty.  Cycle was basically the same except I wasn't running around after her.  

It sure did feel much less stressful.  But I'll be damned if she didn't pee.  At all.  For an hour.  Determined to make this work - for her to actually pee in the potty - we let her stay up late.  We were not re-diapering her or putting her to bed until she peed in that potty.  

She drank her milk.  A big glass of water.  We sat on the bathroom floor with her.  Sang songs.  Played.  No peeing.  For an hour.  Is that even possible for a toddler?

At 8:30, her eyelids drooping, we finally gave in, put her diaper on and sent her to bed.

We clearly have our work cut out for us.

1 comment:

  1. Right there with you momma. Rowan LOVES sitting on the potty in exactly the same way, 3 times a night, sans diaper but nil on actual Doing.

    Today he had naked time (can I just insert how much I despise my full house of Shag carpet), and started to poop. I picked him up and RAN. While he didn't know he was pooping at first or that he'd pooped on the carpet, the fact that he finished In The Potty! OMG! That was a first. And he got a toy-car.
    I dunno if the cars that have been sitting on the wall that he can't touch, and finally got one, actually made a dent into potty=car. But, YAY! First time that potty's every been filled with something other than bath toys.

    I'm hopeful.

    except, I then had to clean up poop in shag carpet.
