Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Ashley!

My sister, Ashley, and her family are visiting and it happens to be her 35th birthday today.  To make her feel really special, here is how we celebrated her day...

She was greeted early this morning by a covered-in-poop Fletcher.  He is taking antibiotics for an ear infection and it's pushing his plumbing to the max.  Ashley was the unfortunate first to discover the treasure.

While I took over the hazardous clean-up of Fletcher, Ashley was kind enough to whip up the batter - for her own birthday cake.  It was only at this time that I actually remembered to say "happy birthday."

Later - because the morning incident wasn't quite enough birthday celebrating - Fletcher threw up on her.

Because Ash had done such a good job on her birthday cake, she moved on to making homemade pizza dough for dinner.  She mixed and kneaded and placed the dough in the oven to rise.
OK, I have to stop here and at least tell you that we are taking her out for dinner tomorrow night.  And if it hadn't already been the plan, it would be now.  We are not that cruel.
Finally finished with all her birthday chores, Ashley and the crew left for a little ride and tour of our new home town while I stayed behind to take care of body-fluid-Fletcher and get a head start on the rest of the dinner.

Preparing to roast a red pepper, I set the oven to preheat.  Now, if you've been paying attention, I probably need not say more.

I opened the oven to put the red pepper inside and was met with a cloud of smoke.  OMG!  The pizza dough was in there rising!!!!

We are currently in the process of plan B - buying local made pizza dough and pouring stiff drinks.

Happy Birthday Ash!  At least this one will be memorable!

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