Thursday, May 3, 2012

Feeling Froggy

I was outside rolling up the garden hose this afternoon when a little frog jumped into my view.  I thought the kids would really enjoy seeing him, so I went inside, grabbed the first plastic food container I could find and managed to snatch him up.  He hung out with me for the afternoon in his tiny habitat of potting soil and a small garden rock.

The kids (especially the big one, Pat) thought he was pretty cool.  I got big mom and wife points for bravely catching the beast.  

He was a friendly little thing.  Even when we removed the lid from his confinement, he happily hung out, allowing the kids to touch him.  (I theorized that perhaps he was weak and gasping for air, recovering from his deplorable temporary housing.)

When we tried to set him free, he showed us that he had developed a particular fondness for Pat, a lover of all reptiles.

He kept hopping all over him - shoulder to back to hand and back to his arm.  I don't know how Sydney's delighted squeals didn't send him for the hills.  Or maybe that's what kept him put.

Bye little friend.  Thank you for the fun. 

1 comment:

  1. Her face just says it all! I love the delight kids have over such simple things :)
